Have you ever been stuck to the point where for a few days, weeks or even months, you just don’t have any inspiration? It’s funny how sometimes you can be overflowing with inspiration and ideas and then the next minute you’re blank. That alone can make you doubt yourself but once you get over that doubt, you realize that it’s actually a normal part of the creative process.


There are several reasons for these creativity lapses. It could be because of things going on in your personal life, lack of clarity in terms of your artistic direction or health problems etc. Whatever the reason, Here are a few ideas that could help you to get back on track and flourish as an artist.


  • Who are you? What are you interested in communicating? Think about these things and then answer it. Authenticity can be inspiring.


  • Read books or articles about your favorite artists, this might give you a kick start. Seeing other people’s passion is surprisingly infectious.


  • Don’t be afraid to take a workshop and learn new things. By simply being in a room with other creatives you can get excited and sometimes it’s enough to get you going again.


  • You can’t be tense or uptight all the time, learn to play. Lighten up and let your inner child out. The journey is often more important than the product, always remember to take time to play.


  • Don’t give up; keep moving forward with tenacity and conviction. What you have to say is important and needs to be shared visually.


  • Know your materials and your subjects so well that they become second nature. Just as you would if you were learning another language or a musical instrument, you want to become great at it and communicate efficiently without struggling. Understanding your tools will give your artwork strength.
  • It might inspire you to go to galleries and see what elements and styles you connect with. Think about how you can merge these ideas with your own.
  • Take your dog for a walk, it may seem silly but exercise gets our energy up and readies the brain for action.


  • Recognize that you have to continue to practice your skills. Through practice comes inspiration.

Sometimes it can help to get out of  your work space and head down to your favourite places in your city to seek inspiration. Other times you may find that picking up some new art supplies can offer a fresh new attitude and the right tools to get your creative juices flowing and start painting some amazing things again. You may even want to take some time and enjoy a Bob Ross DVD painting teachable video that is calm and relaxing and even if you are an experienced artist, sometimes just doing something off the beaten path is enough to spark your interest again.

It happens to all of us and the fortunate thing is that your creativity will always come back to you.

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