Sennelier Artist Oil Pastels Individual Sticks
Sennelier Artist Oil Pastels were created in the 1940s in collaboration with Picasso, these creamy, lipstick-like pastels are rich in pigment, cover well, and have outstanding opacity and light-fastness. These pastels are available in 110 “classic” colours and 10 iridescent colours. They are acid-free, can be applied to any surface, and may be thinned with turpentine and worked with a brush. Iridescent Oil Pastels - These shimmering iridescent tones have all the qualities of the standard colours. They are creamy, lipstick-like and rich in pigment, cover well, and have outstanding opacity and light-fastness. Add some iridescent colours to your palette to achieve effects beyond those of the standard colours.Size of the Sennelier Standard Oil pastel : 3/8" x 2 1/2"  


Sennelier Artist Oil Pastels Individual Sticks

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