The Porcelain Palette

The advantages to using a porcelain palette can outweigh the ones found in the more popular plastic watercolour palette.Porcelain palettes clearly weigh more than its competitor, but let’s not hold that against it just yet.

With weight, comes durability. The porcelain watercolour palette won’t slip or slide on your table the way a plastic palette can. When you dip your brush into your porcelain palette you need much more force to physically move the palette from its place. Shifting on the table becomes a thing of the past when using the porcelain palette in your studio.

The porcelain palette allows the paint to sing in a different tune. When using a plastic palette, you may notice some beading when mixing pools of paint. The strokes of colour “shrink” and what is left is tiny beads of colour all over your palette. When using a porcelain palette, the colours that you lay down while mixing, stay the same. There is no beading of colour and you can “paint” on the palette to see how colours will bleed into one another before  applying them down to your surface. This is a great advantage for artists because it allows them to get an idea of how the colours will look when they naturally bleed into one another.

Clean up is a breeze with a porcelain palette. The surface does not scratch the way a plastic palette can. There is no discoloration or yellowing with the porcelain palette. Staining pigments wash away and the palette stays nice and white!

The porcelain palette can be used with other media. They are excellent for mixing dyes and inks and even acrylics!

With all the advantages mentioned above, the porcelain palette is an excellent choice for any artist’s studio.

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