Golden Artist Colors has enjoyed the privilege of collaborating with artists to make highest quality professional art materials. That same collaborative process has produced a new, thoroughly modern watercolor we call QoR. QoR watercolor retains the best qualities of traditional watercolors while expanding the range and versatility of each color. QoR's exclusive binder provides more pigment in every brush stroke, offering a strength, range and versatility unmatched in the history of watercolors.The unique QoR formulation accentuates the luminosity and brilliance of pigments even after drying. It provides the subtlety, transparency and flow of a great watercolor, with colors that have as much vibrancy and the fire as the best acrylic or oil paint. QoR [pronounced ‘core'] has been formulated to embody the essence of watercolors while offering these unique qualities: Vibrant, intense colors that stay brilliant even after they dry. Exceptionally smooth transitions, flow and liveliness on paper Excellent resolubility in water and glazing qualities. Vivid depth of color with each brushstroke. Greater resistance to cracking and flaking. More density of color than traditional watercolors. Exclusive Aquazol® binder used in conservation